If you've been among those who've followed the trend (fad, perhaps) of restricting your daily hours of food intake, a form of intermittent fasting, you should pay careful attention! New research published by the American Heart Association shows that individuals who restrict their daily intake of food to a period of 8 hours or less increase their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 91%. This longitudinal study included 20,000 participants and was conducted over a period of approximately 15 years.
We already know that the number 1 killer of police officers and firefighters is cardiovascular disease, so what should you do with this latest information?
1. Spread your food intake over a longer period of time each day, which lowers your risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
2. Consume foods you enjoy in moderation, focusing on balanced nutrition.
3. If you're concerned about your weight, make sure you are burning more calories every day than you are consuming.
4. Finally, always talk to your own primary healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns about what is right for you.