Today - My Social & Emotional Needs

What are you planning to do today to take care of your social and emotional needs?

There is a social and emotional dimension of our lives that must be replenished and renewed frequently.  Our emotional lives are greatly enriched by the social connections and relationships that we have developed with other people.  So make it a point to have regular interaction with the people you care about, and those who you know care about you.  That sense of belonging, that sense of relationship is what is necessary in order for us to feel emotionally satisfied.  Contentment – that’s a good word.  You can find a lot of contentment in healthy, loving, lasting relationships and that’s good for your emotional stability.  Be intentional about staying refreshed in that area.

According to John’s Hopkins University research, the most important factor in human resilience is social support.  Are you staying engaged with people?  Are you maintaining a healthy emotional balance in your life?  For your sake and the sake of those you care about, pay attention to this every day!

If you’d like to chat with one of our peer supporters who can help you with this and other stress management approaches, please send a message to and we’d be happy to make that happen. 

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